Everyone who is blogging should come across the word SEO which is most important to keep your site better. The plugin is a larger complete solution available for WordPress. It has received nearly million downloads, and you can use this WordPress SEO plugin to improve your on-page SEO.
Top WordPress SEO Plugins to Rank Your Website In SERP
WordPress SEO shows you the Google search result snippet preview, that you can see how the content look when someone search for it in Google. It gives us the ability to have the advanced configuration such as by removing the specific post, page, post type from the sitemap.
This is one of the best ways to enhance your brand presence and authority in SEO as well as it helps to drive the more organic traffic, customers, and leads.
1) SEO Pressor:
SEO Pressor is the most truly powerful WordPress SEO Plugins that ever built, which has the power to manage all your pots, custom post formats in simple terms. It also has the inbuilt search tool which allows you to find the long tail keywords.
You can also use the drag and drop functionality to insert the keyword in your content with one click. This feature will help you to save 15 to 20 minutes on cost basics which you usually waste time while performing the keyword search on other tools as well as in services.
2) SEO Cleaner:
This is the most simple and user-friendly plugin which comes with the dozens of options to help you to get rid. It has the better features than the other as boost your SEO, clean up your source code, and remove redundant links and scripts. Then it has the feature to get rid of extra HTTP headers and also to redirect the unused archives.
3) SEO Friendly Images Pro:
SEO Friendly Images Pro will be the excellent plugin to those who forgets to set the alternative tags for their images. This is mainly designed to help you automatically do the process of adding the title and alternative text to the picture on your website. By using this site will become 50-75% faster and also loads the images only when they come inside the visible view port.
4) Rank Reveal:
It is the premium service which makes you find the keywords for which you are ranking and can higher in future. Rank Reveal helps you to search the long tail keywords with low competition but with high conversion. From the ranking graph, it is one of the largest collections of ranking data which keeps on regularly monitors the search engine for website ranking.
5) Ultimate Video SEO Plugin:
This plugin automatically generates the schema.org video object markup and also helps to show the video thumbnail on search results. By installing this plugin you need not do the serious setting, can go straightforward to your posts and start creating the new tutorials and much more.
Then you will find the new field below the post editor which allows you to add video. It has the most exciting feature of ability to fetch video SEO details automatically from its hosting services. 🙂